Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Mui SenTosA GetAwAy~WeE~

Haha...I'm blogging because I'm bored. I don't have the pictures which I have taken at Sentosa so I'm going to post it up on my next entry. For now, you can only read what I've been doing during my trip to SentoSa.
It's really an enjoyable and refreshing trip. Since me and meh meh can't travel overseas for a real break, this is the best we can do and afford. So ...why not? And off off we flew~ la.. we didn't fly.
We met up at Vivo City after my work on Friday. Stuffed up our stomach with Long John's Slivers and flew *erm* and travel to Sentosa by monorail. Yup..the monorail was up and ready long ago. The night scenery was gorgeous. It's hard to describe to you. The feeling wasn't really similar to looking at Sinapore from up high. It felt more like travelling away from the bright city. Yes..a bit melancholy.
Once we arrived at the Siloso Beach Station, we were stunned. "Is this Sentosa? It looks so different!!" Struggling with our bags, we took out the map and head for HOME==> hut home -_-". At that point of time, the hut that I've booked really felt like home. Some where you can just throw your bags and stuff around. Whaha..
The way to home wasn't hard to find and the first thing we notice was AIR-CON. Yeah! There's air-con. It is small and has only one room. The room you walk into when u open the door= the room you sleep in= the room you put your things in. o.0 I can't really say its a room ...It's more like a combination of living room and bedrooms. But we were too excited to worry out it. Once we've placed our things in the room, we head for Song Of the Sea. Yeah babe... It was definitely better that musical fountain even though we have to pay for it. I took a few pictures of it too. It's not very clear though. Right after the show..

Me: " Eh...Is it raining? I felt a drop of water."
Meh Meh:" I thought it was due to the splashing of the water at the end of the show."
Me: " Is it? Orh. " rained.-_-""

We ran back to home. Whaha...It was actually quite fun running around Sentosa at night. You guys should try it sometimes. And right after the rain we went for supper!! What? No la..we didn't sleep early. No point sleeping early when our home is near that club. Huh...yes club ( Ya can see lots of women dressed up walking towards that club during 11 -12 pm.) The *special* club had its music played till the wee hours. Which one? The one with beds placed all over the beach one lor.. Nah...It didn't spoil our mood. How to? We were so entu and so high. Lol...
Supper == 7 eleven's instant noodles --> Typical chalet supper. Lol..
Right after supper, Meh Meh passed me something in our home. O.0 What is that? Wrapped in shiny sliver wrapper, it glitters and shines. It's not gold la.. When I opened up...BOOM! ARGH!!!
OMGOMGOMG!! Nitendo DS Lite!!!
OMG! Whaha..I can play Nitendo Dogs wor. He wanted to give it to me as a birthday present but after seeing me all stressed up by my IA, he decided to give me one now. WOw.. i can have my own puppy now.
To be continued.....(Like all good movies..there's always something to look forward to.)

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